as seen on Medium
How do your friends introduce you to someone new? The running theme in my life is probably that I lack me-time.
Event Photographer Turned Pageant Queen — Shifting from behind the lens to in front of one
Consistency is the gold standard of a good life because it means you’re unstoppable: you will show up
Consistency is the gold standard of a good life because it means you’re unstoppable: you will show up
When you are juggling multiple commitments, are constantly being pulled in different directions, yet always want to be on your A-game, it may be difficult to find people who empathize. Don’t forget to crowdsource your health.
My Year 2021 — Failing Upwards, Anti-productive Mindsets, Stability Sources, Nomadic Living & More.
A controversial take on headspace management to fast track your growth. Yes, the imposter syndrome can potentially impact your mental health negatively, but quite frankly, it could also be an asset — as long as you are aware of it and are able to effectively manage it.
A personal & blunt take on how loneliness is a function of our self-worth, relationships expire & the depth of our lives is a choice.
From A Founder To All Her Supporters & Customers — The Backstory of Her Travel Startup
“When we dream, we get the pieces. When we wake, we can know the whole” — How to maximize the time you spend asleep.